#!/usr/bin/env perl # # $NetBSD: list2html.pl,v 1.101 2007/12/01 07:19:02 kano Exp $ # # # Process *.list files into indexed *.html files. (abs) # $Id$ # Japanese support (sakamoto) # Looks for these compulsary tags: # Include generated list of entries here. #
Text Introduces new section # Mark end of all special entries # # Plus these optional tags: (You will probably want to use or ) # tag date Text Change entry, expanded to title & added to list # tag Text New entry, expanded to title and added to list # url Text Link added to list, removed from main text # url Text Link added to list and main text # Text Standard heading at top of document # Text Standard heading at top of developer docs # Text: Text Table row, with two text fields # NOTE: will automatically continue # until a link containing # Add flag link to NetBSD home page # Add flag links to NetBSD home page & docs top # Add flag links to NetBSD home page & developers # Add flag links to NetBSD home page & ports top # Add flag links to NetBSD home page & gallery # Continuation lines are understood (useful for the special tags) # # Additional links: # ([\w.+]+)\((\d)\) -> manpages eg: ls(1) # <([-\w.]+@[-\w.]+)> -> email address eg: # category/name -> link to pkgsrc README.html # path -> link to source file/dir in -current # [^\s<]+[^<\s.] -> Insert link to URL # RFC[0-9]+ -> link to RFC (www.normos.org) # # ([a-zA-Z_][-\w.+]*[\w+])\((\d)(|\.(\w+))(|\+(\W+))\) # -> man pages: Default collection is NetBSD-current. # Available collections are "1.3.3", # "1.4.3", "1.5", "1.5.1", "current" # # Usage examples: ls(1), ls(1.i386) # ls(1+1.4.3), ls(1.i386+1.4.3) # # NOTE: Update htdocs/developers/htdocs.list when adding features. # # (c) 1999, 2000 DKBrownlee. All rights reserved. This file may be used to # update the information on the NetBSD website. If you want to use it # for any other purpose, ask me first.. abs@mono.org # use strict; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Std; # use Text::Wrap; # $Text::Wrap::columns = 45; $^W = 1; umask 022; my($verbose, %extras, $months_previous, $list_date_links); my($version, %opt, %pkgname); my(%months) = ('Jan' => 1, 'Feb' => 2, 'Mar' => 3, 'Apr' => 4, 'May' => 5, 'Jun' => 6, 'Jul' => 7, 'Aug' => 8, 'Sep' => 9, 'Oct' => 10, 'Nov' => 11, 'Dec' => 12 ); # List of pkgsrc names to 'human preferred' forms %pkgname = qw(kde KDE gimp GIMP gnome GNOME xsane XSane); $months_previous = 13; # Previous months to display for DATE entries $list_date_links = 8; # List the first N date entries on stdout $version = '$Revision: 1.101 $'; $version =~ /([\d.]+)/ && ($version = $1); if (!&getopts('a:c:dm:qhV', \%opt) || $opt{'h'} || ( !$opt{'V'} && @ARGV != 2) ) { print "list2html.pl [opts] infile outfile [opts] -a xxx Define 'arch=xxx' when linking to manpages -c xxx Define 'collection=xxx' when linking to manpages -d Supress listing of first N date entries on stdout -m xxx Set months to display for (default $months_previous) -q Suppress all output except errors -h This help. -V Display version and exit ($version - David Brownlee/abs) list2html.pl processes .list files into .html, parsing various special tags. .list files are intended to reduce the effort required to maintain files such as FAQs, and change logs. More details given at the start of list2html.pl. "; exit; } if ($opt{'V'}) { print "$version\n"; exit; } if ($opt{'m'}) { $months_previous = $opt{'m'}; } $months_previous = &get_minmonth($months_previous); $verbose = 1; if ($opt{'q'}) { $verbose = 0; } %extras = ( '\s*(.*)', '
BSD daemon

NetBSD ドキュメンテーション:


' , '\s*(.*)', '
BSD daemon

NetBSD 開発者ドキュメンテーション:


' , '', '
' , '', '
' , '', '
Documentation top level
' , '', '
' , '', '
Gallery Page
' ); # XXX Should DTRT with faqs not under Documentation &makelist(@ARGV, &extras_generate(%extras)); exit; sub check_date { my($date) = @_; my($month, $when); if ($date !~ /(\S+)\s*(\d+)/) { &fail("Unable to parse date '$date'"); } if (!defined($month = $months{$1})) { &warn("Unable to parse month '$1'"); $month = 12; } $when = sprintf("%04d%02d", $2, $month); ( $when>$months_previous ); } sub extract_tags { my($file, @tags) = @_; my($tag, %map); if (!open(FILE, $file)) { return; } while () { foreach $tag (@tags) { if ( /($tag)/ ) { $map{$tag} = $1; } } } close(FILE); %map; } sub extras_generate { my(%extras) = @_; my($pathtodoc, $pathtodev, $pathtoports, $pathtogal, $str, $home); $home = $0; # extract the relative pathname from our name, no trailing / or # language if ($home =~ m#^/#) { $home = dirname($home); if ($home =~ m#.*?/(\.\.?/?.*)$#) { ($home = $1) =~ s#/$##; $home =~ s#/../[a-z]{2}##; } } else { if ($home !~ m#(.*)/[^/]+.pl#) { &fail("Unable to extract path from '$0'"); } $home = $1; } $pathtodoc = "$home/docs/"; $pathtodev = "$home/developers/"; $pathtoports = "$home/ports/"; $pathtogal = "$home/gallery/"; foreach $str ( keys %extras ) { $extras{$str} =~ s#\$HOME#$home#g; $extras{$str} =~ s#\$DEVELOPERS#$pathtodev#g; $extras{$str} =~ s#\$DOCS#$pathtodoc#g; $extras{$str} =~ s#\$PORTS#$pathtoports#g; $extras{$str} =~ s#\$GALLERY#$pathtogal#g; } (%extras); } sub extras_process { my($data, %extras) = @_; my($key, $sub1, $sub2, $value); foreach $key ( keys %extras ) { $value = $extras{$key}; if ($data =~ /$key/) { ($sub1, $sub2) = ($1, $2); if (defined($sub1)) { $value =~ s#\$SUB1#$sub1#g; } if (defined($sub2)) { $value =~ s#\$SUB2#$sub2#g; } $data =~ s/$key.*/$value/; } } $data; } sub fail { print STDERR "ABORTING: ", @_, "\n"; exit 3 } sub get_minmonth { my($monthsback) = @_; my($year, $month); ($month, $year) = (localtime(time))[4, 5]; ++$month; $month -= $monthsback; while ($month<1) { $month += 12; --$year; } sprintf("%04d%02d", $year+1900, $month); } # Collect $list containing forward links as we go. In general each entry will # generate something in $list and some expanded data in the main $data. # sub makelist { my($infile, $outfile, %extras) = @_; my($data, $section, $href, $header, $list, $pre, %tags, $date_month); my($date_num, $date_num_used, $entry_num, $ignore, @date_links); my($in_entry, $in_section, $endlist); my($title_font) = ""; my($end_title_font) = ""; my(%rcsmap) = &extract_tags($outfile, '\$NetBSD.*\$'); my($rcstag, $in_trow); my($jmonth); $list = ''; $data = $date_month = ''; $entry_num = $date_num = $date_num_used = 0; open(FILE, "cat $infile|") || die("Unable to open '$infile': $!"); foreach( ) { foreach $rcstag (%rcsmap) { s/$rcstag/$rcsmap{$rcstag}/; } if (defined($pre)) # Handle continuation lines { $_ = $pre.$_; $pre = undef; } if (substr($_, -2) eq "\\\n") # Handle continuation lines { s/\\\n$//; $pre = $_; next; } if (m#^\s*(.+\S)#) # Changes { my($year, $month, $date, $link, $linkwrapped); if ($in_entry) { $data .= "\n"; $in_entry = undef; } $ignore = undef; ++$date_num; $header = $1; if ($header !~ /^([-a-z0-9_.+]+)\s+(\d+) (\S+) (\d+) - (\S.*)/) { &fail("'$header' not in expected 'date - event' format"); } $href = $1; $month = $months{"$3"}; $date = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $4, $month, $2); $header = "$5 ($2 $3)"; $month = "$3 $4"; $link = $5; if (defined($tags{$href})) { &fail("Duplicate name tag '$href'"); } $tags{$href} = 1; if (!&check_date($month)) { $ignore = 1; } else { $_ = ''; ++$date_num_used; if ($month ne $date_month) { if ($date_month ne '') { $list .= "\n"; } $month !~ /(\S+)\s*(\d+)/; $jmonth = sprintf "%04d年%02d月", $2, $months{$1}; $list .= "


    \n"; $_ .= "


    \n"; $date_month = $month; } $_.= "

    \n$title_font". "$header$end_title_font\n". "". "(top)\n". "

    \n"; $list .= "
  • $title_font\n$link". "$end_title_font
  • \n"; if (@date_links < $list_date_links) { $linkwrapped = $link; # original: wrap("", " ", $link); push(@date_links, "
  • \n". " \n". " $linkwrapped\n". "
  • \n"); } $in_entry = 1; } } if (m#^\s*(.+\S)#) { if (! $in_section ) { $list .= "
      \n"; } # Start title list if ($in_entry) { $data .= "
    \n"; $in_entry = undef; } $ignore = undef; ++$entry_num; $_ = $1; if (! /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_.+,]+)\s+(.*)/) { &fail("Invalid ($_), not ([-a-zA-Z0-9_.+,]+)\s+(.*)"); } $href = $1; $header = $2; if (defined($tags{$href})) { &fail("Duplicate name tag '$href'"); } $tags{$href} = 1; $_ = "

    \n$title_font". "$header$end_title_font\n". "". "(top)\n". "

    \n"; $list .= "
  • $title_font\n$header". "$end_title_font
  • \n"; $in_entry = $in_section = 1; &verbose("\t$href\n"); } if (m#^\s*(.+\S)#) { if ( ! $in_section ) { $list .= "
      \n"; } # Start title list $ignore = undef; ++$entry_num; $_ = $1; if (! m#^(\S+)\s+(.*)#) { &fail("Invalid ($_), not (\S+)\s+(.*)"); } $href = $1; $header = $2; $_ = ''; $list .= "
    • $title_font\n$header". "$end_title_font
    • \n"; $in_section = 1; &verbose("\t$href\n"); } if (m#^\s*(.+\S)#) { if ( ! $in_section ) { $list .= "
        \n"; } # Start title list if ($in_entry) { $data .= "
    \n"; $in_entry = undef; } $ignore = undef; ++$entry_num; $_ = $1; if (! m#^(\S+)\s+(.*)#) { &fail("Invalid ($_), not (\S+)\s+(.*)"); } $href = $1; $header = $2; $_ = "

    \n$title_font". "$header$end_title_font\n". "". "(top)\n". "

    \n"; $list .= "
  • $title_font\n$header". "$end_title_font
  • \n"; $in_entry = $in_section = 1; &verbose("\t$href\n"); } if (m#^
    \s*(.+\S)#) { if ($in_entry) { $data .= "
    \n"; $in_entry = undef; } else # In case no entries { $data =~ s#


    \n*$##; } $ignore = undef; if (defined($section)) { $list .= "
\n"; $section = $1; $list .= "


\n"; $list .= "
    \n"; # Start title list } else { # If we have never seen
    remember top link! $section = $1; $list .= "


    \n". "
      \n"; } $_ = "


      "; $in_section = 1; &verbose(" $section\n"); } if (m#^\s*(.*)#) { $_ = $1; if (! m#^([^:]+:)\s+(.*)#) { &fail(" should match ([^:]+:)\s+(.*)"); } $ignore = undef; $_ = "$1\n $2\n"; $in_trow = 1; } elsif ($in_trow) { if (m##i) { $in_trow = 0; } else { # Append to last substr($data, -11, 0) = ' '.&sub_external_links($_); $_ = ''; } } if (m#^#) { if ($in_entry) { $data .= "\n"; $in_entry = undef; } if ($endlist) { &fail("Duplicate "); } $endlist = 1; $ignore = undef; $_ = "
      \n"; } if (! $ignore) { $data .= &sub_external_links($_); } } close(FILE); $list .= "
    \n"; $list =~ s#
    \n##g; if (!$endlist) { &warn("Unable to locate tag, check header to see if this is desired\n"); } if ($data !~ s//$list/) { &warn("Unable to locate tag, check header to see if this is desired\n"); } $_ = "\n\n\n"; if ($data !~ s/(]*>)/$1$_/i) { &fail("Unable to locate tag"); } open(FILE, "|cat >$outfile") || die("Unable to write '$outfile': $!"); print FILE &extras_process($data, %extras); close(FILE); if ($date_num) { if ($verbose) { print "$date_num date entr", ($date_num == 1)?'y':'ies'; if ($date_num_used != $date_num) { print " ($date_num_used used)"; } print ".\n"; if (@date_links && !$opt{'d'}) { print "First $list_date_links date links (for main index.html):\n", @date_links; } } } if ($entry_num && $verbose) { print "$entry_num entr", ($entry_num == 1)?'y':'ies', ".\n"; } } sub sub_external_links { my($text) = @_; # Man page references. As of 1.4 matches every page except '[' and 'w'. # $_ = $text; # Output text include match string, so handle in sections $text = ''; while ( m#([a-zA-Z_][-\w.+]*[\w+])\((\d)(|\.(\w+))(|\+(\W+))\)# ) { my($page, $section, $arch, $collection) = ($1, $2, $4, $6); my($link); $link = 'http://man.NetBSD.org/man/'; $link .= "$page+$section"; if (defined($arch)) { $link .= ".$arch"; } elsif ($opt{'a'}) { $link .= ".$opt{'a'}"; } if (defined($collection)) { $link .= "+NetBSD-$collection"; } elsif ($opt{'c'}) { $link .= "+$opt{'c'}"; } else { $link .= "+NetBSD-current"; } $text .= $` . "$page($section)"; $_ = $'; } $text .= $_; # Expand path # while ($text =~ m#([^\s<>]+\w)#) { my($path); $path = $1; $path =~ s#^/##; $path =~ s#^usr/##; $path =~ s#^src/##; if ($path =~ m#^(sys|share|gnu)src#) { my($module) = $1; $path =~ s#^${module}src##; $path = "src/".$module.$path; } elsif ($path !~ m#^(pkgsrc|xsrc|othersrc)#) { $path = "src/$path"; } $text =~ s#([^\s<>]+\w)#$1#; } # Expand [^\s<]+[^<\s.] $text =~ s#([^\s<]+[^<\s.])#$1#g; # Expand category/name entries # while ($text =~ m#(([-\w.]+/|)([-\w_.+]+[\w+]))#) { my($n) = $3; if (defined($pkgname{$n})) { $n = $pkgname{$n}; } $text =~ s#(([-\w.]+/|)([-\w_.+]+[\w+]))#$n#; } # Expand RFCxxxx entries # while ($text =~ m#([^\s<>]+\w)#) { my($o, $n); $o = $n = $1; $n =~ s#^rfc##i; if ($n =~ /^\d+$/) { $text =~ s#$o#$o#; } else { $text =~ s#$o#$o#; } } # Expand email addresses # $text =~ s#<([-\w.]+@[-\w.]+)>#<$1>#g; $text; } sub verbose { $verbose && print @_; } sub warn { $verbose && print "WARNING: ", @_; }