Daemon Power

The NetBSD Packages Collection: parallel

"parallel" ディレクトリー

Applications dealing with parallelism in computing

このディレクトリに含まれる 11 パッケージの一行コメント:

GridSim-3.0.2nb2: Toolkit for simulation of parallel systems
clusterit-2.5nb1: クラスタリングツールのセット
dqs-3.3.2nb2: Distributed queueing system
ganglia-monitor-core-3.0.1nb8: Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
glunix-1.0anb2: NOW(Network Of Workstations)用Global Layer Unix
linda-0.1.1nb6: Parallel distributed database environment
mpich2-1.0.7: Open source MPI and MPI-2 implementation from Univ. of Chicago
openpbs-2.3.16nb1: Generic network queueing system
p5-Parallel-Pvm-1.3.0nb4: Perl module for PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)
pvm-3.4.5nb4: 並列仮想マシンライブラリーと環境
sge-6.0.11nb2: Sun Grid Engine distributed resource management system

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