Daemon Power

The NetBSD Packages Collection




x11: Packages to support the X window system
archivers: Archivers
audio: Audio tools
benchmarks: Benchmarking tools
biology: Software for the biological sciences
cad: CAD tools
chat: Communication programs
comms: Communication utilities
converters: Document format and character code converters
cross: クロスプラットフォーム開発ユーティリティー
crosspkgtools: Tools for cross-building pkgsrc
databases: Databases
devel: Development utilities
editors: Editors
emulators: Emulators for other operating systems
filesystems: File systems, and file system related packages
finance: Monetary, financial and related applications
fonts: Fonts
games: Games
geography: Software for geographical-related uses
graphics: Graphics tools and libraries
ham: Wireless communication tools and applications
inputmethod: Input method tools and libraries
lang: Programming languages
mail: Electronic mail utilities
math: Mathematics
mbone: Multi-cast backBone applications
meta-pkgs: 他のパッケージを集めたパッケージ(メタパッケージ)
misc: Miscellaneous utilities
multimedia: Multimedia utilities
net: Networking tools
news: Network news
parallel: 並列計算のためのアプリケーション
pkgtools: パッケージコレクションを使う上でのツール
print: Desktop publishing
security: Security tools
shells: Shells
sysutils: System utilities
textproc: Text processing utilities (does not include desktop publishing)
time: Clocks, calendars, daily planners and other time related applications
wm: X11 window managers, configuration tools, and themes
www: Packages related to the World Wide Web

NetBSDパッケージコレクションからパッケージをどのように構築するか の情報については、doc/pkgsrc.htmlドキュメントをご覧ください。 より新しい情報は、 the NetBSD ftp serverをご覧ください。