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eTrust SCM SPAM Detection Notice - RBL or In-appropriate words used:

Your email was scanned and SPAM detected

If no RBL information exists in text below then check your email for the following: attachment wording for in-appropriate usage OR;
check auto-signatures and the email body for any graphic's, text or email addresses in the body of the email  that may have hidden hyperlinks and remove if found.

It has been blocked by the Wilson Hellaby SCM server.

Details of email:

Sender:                                                         port-mac68k-ja@jp.netbsd.org
Recipeint:                                                     johnp@hellaby.co.nz
Time sent:                                                     Thu, May 22 2008 06:21:08 +1200
Subject name:                                              {{{Unresolved Subject Line}}}
Keywords if any: 
RBL Information: bl.spamcop.net;psbl.surriel.com, IP Address : -> Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?
IP Address : -> Listed in PSBL, see http://psbl.surriel.com/listing?ip=

URL embedded: {{{eTrust - Unresolved}}}