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Re: Update ja-ptex for teTeX3


At Tue, 16 May 2006 00:54:45 -0700,
Min Sik Kim wrote:
> In what order does ptex search texmf trees?  If it searches $ 
> {PKG_TEXMFLOCALPREFIX} and then ${PKG_TEXMFPREFIX}, I don't think it  
> is necessary to modify pstricks files.  Instead, we can just install  
> patched files into ${PKG_TEXMFLOCALPREFIX}.

Without modifying teTeX's texmf.cnf and pstrick file, ptex seems to

> In fact, this was the  
> main motivation to split the texmf tree, i.e. an individual packages  
> can override files provided by teTeX.  I also suspect that we can  
> avoid modifying teTeX's texmf.cnf in this way, if it is supposed to  
> be read by ptex only.  This could be wrong since I don't know how  
> ptex works.

If splitting the texmf tree, how do the TeX commands read the
texmf.cnf in the ptex texmf tree?  I'm trying to split the ptex texmf
tree to ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-ptex.  It doesn't work.  I modified
${PKG_TEXMFPREFIX}/web2c/texmf.cnf as follows.  But the ptex's
texmf.cnf (it's located in ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-ptex/web2c) is not
read.  Am I missing something?

TEXMFPTEX = /usr/pkg/share/texmf-ptex



TEXMFCNF = {$SELFAUTOLOC,$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-ptex,-local,}/web2c};$TETEXDIR;/usr/pkg/share/texmf/web2c;/usr/pkg/share/texmf/web2c

> Another one I'd like to point out is that running mktexlsr is not  
> necessary.  Just include print/teTeX/module.mk, and it will  
> automatically update the ls-R database.
> One minor thing: ${PKG_LOCALTEXMFPREFIX}/web2c should not be in ja- 
> ptex-bin's PLIST.  It is already created/deleted by print/texmf-dirs.

Done, thanks.

I attached the new patch (it doesn't split the texmf tree).
 Kouichirou Hiratsuka
