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pkgsrc/doc/guide/files/fixes.xml: 1.27 -> 1.28


pkgsrc/doc/guide/files/fixes.xml: 1.27 -> 1.28

> revision 1.28
> date: 2005/07/28 11:05:36;  author: wiz;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -19
> Do not document obsolete IGNORE variable any longer.

水曜日までに異議がなければ、 commit します。


--- fixes.xml.orig	2006-10-07 21:52:51.000000000 +0900
+++ fixes.xml	2006-10-07 21:52:51.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.27 2005/07/27 21:29:50 rpaulo Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.28 2005/07/28 11:05:36 wiz Exp $ -->
 <!-- Based on english version: -->
-<!-- NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.27 2005/07/27 21:29:50 rpaulo Exp   -->
+<!-- NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.28 2005/07/28 11:05:36 wiz Exp   -->
 <chapter id="fixes"> <?dbhtml filename="fixes.html"?>
@@ -293,21 +293,20 @@
     <sect2 id="not-building-packages">
-      <para>
-        環境によってはパッケージを構築しないよう指示するような理由がいくつかありま
+      <para>環境によってはパッケージを構築しないよう指示するような理由がいくつかありま
-        ムでしか構築および実行できない場合は、<varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname>を設定します。パッケー
+        ムでしか構築および実行できない場合は、<varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname>を設定します。
+	<varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> と
+        <varname>NOT_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> の値はいずれも、OS triples
+        (OS-version-platform) であり、
+        グロブ形式のワイルドカードを使うことができます。</para>
+      <para>パッケー
-        ろう場合は、<varname>PKG_FAIL_REASON</varname>にそのことを説明するメッセージを設定します。
-      <para><varname>IGNORE</varname>は、構築失敗の理由を特定するために十分な情報を提供しないので、使わな
-        いでください。
+        ろう場合は、<varname>PKG_FAIL_REASON</varname>にそのことを説明するメッセージを設定します。</para> 
Index: fixes.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/doc/guide/files/fixes.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.27
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.27 -r1.28
--- fixes.xml	27 Jul 2005 21:29:50 -0000	1.27
+++ fixes.xml	28 Jul 2005 11:05:36 -0000	1.28
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.27 2005/07/27 21:29:50 rpaulo Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.28 2005/07/28 11:05:36 wiz Exp $ -->
 <chapter id="fixes"> <?dbhtml filename="fixes.html"?>
   <title>Notes on fixes for packages</title>
@@ -325,24 +325,22 @@
     <sect2 id="not-building-packages">
       <title>Packages that cannot or should not be built</title>
-      <para>
-        There are several reasons why a package might be instructed to not
-        build under certain circumstances. If the package builds and runs
-        on most platforms, the exceptions should be noted with
-        <varname>NOT_FOR_PLATFORM</varname>.  If the package builds and
-        runs on a small handful of platforms, set
-        <varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> instead. If the package
-        should be skipped (for example, because it provides functionality
-        already provided by the system), set
-        <varname>PKG_SKIP_REASON</varname> to a descriptive message. If
-        the package should fail because some preconditions are not met,
-        set <varname>PKG_FAIL_REASON</varname> to a descriptive message.
-      <para><varname>IGNORE</varname> is deprecated because it didn't
-        provide enough information to determine whether the build should
-        fail. 
+      <para>There are several reasons why a package might be
+        instructed to not build under certain circumstances. If the
+        package builds and runs on most platforms, the exceptions
+        should be noted with <varname>NOT_FOR_PLATFORM</varname>.  If
+        the package builds and runs on a small handful of platforms,
+        set <varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> instead.
+	Both <varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> and
+        <varname>NOT_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> are OS triples
+        (OS-version-platform) that can use glob-style
+        wildcards.</para>
+      <para>If the package should be skipped (for example, because it
+        provides functionality already provided by the system), set
+        <varname>PKG_SKIP_REASON</varname> to a descriptive message.
+        If the package should fail because some preconditions are not
+        met, set <varname>PKG_FAIL_REASON</varname> to a descriptive
+        message.</para>